Saturday, September 24, 2011

Worcester, MA to Windsor Locks, CT - 68 miles

We lucked out with the weather again today.  It was supposed to rain, but we made it the entire way without getting wet.  This was the first day in the past three when I didn't take a shower with all my clothes on to wash off the mud and sand.  We had a pretty ride through the thick forests of southern Massachusetts with some early evidence of fall; a few patches of red and yellow among greens.  As we were leaving our snack stop in Groton, CT, we came upon an area of heavy tornado damage.  Several houses with the roofs missing among forests where trees had been flattened.  For someone who is not from hurricane or tornado country it was pretty impressive.  Because we only did 68 miles, I got to the hotel in time for the west coast football games, which I will have to follow on the internet because they are not on TV here.  Tomorrow we enter our fifth state as we head for Fishkill, NY.

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