Sunday, October 9, 2011

Charleston, SC to Beaufort, SC

Another great riding day, with good weather and light Sunday traffic.  However, based on the forecast, today was probably our last dry day for awhile.  After 18 miles, we left the multi-lane highways outside Charleston and began a nice stretch along country roads.   Someone in our group pointed out several days ago that the number of churches seems to increase the further south we go.  Today being Sunday, that trend was especially noticeable.  If fact, our only rest stop was in the parking lot of Saint Paul's Community Methodist Church.  While we were snacking, a couple of church ladies came out to greet us and encourage us to come in and worship with them.  My friend Doug from England told them that we could only afford the time if they had Gatorade on tap and Cliff Bars.  They had no such facilities so we settled for a picture with them instead (above).   As we approached Beaufort, we went by the Marine Corps Air Station.  On display at the entrance were three airplanes, one of which, the F-8 Corsair, was one of my favorite planes, though I never flew it (on the right above).  Used in Vietnam by the Navy and Marines, it is a classic supersonic fighter with only the pilot and limited electronics.  I remember a poster in the office of our commanding officer when I was in primary jet training showing the silhouette of the airplane at night, afterburner on, with the caption "The Last of the Gunfighters."  The other two airplanes are an F-4 Phantom on the left and a F-18 Hornet in the middle.  Tomorrow, we have a relatively easy day, peddling 46 miles to our last rest day in Savannah, Georgia.  It's hardly worth putting on the butt butter for only 46 miles.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying following this trip on your blog. I am so envious. I go to work tomorrow, as usual, and you get to ride your bike with buddies. I am thinking that maybe this retirement idea is something I should consider also.

    I love the photo yesterday of Jan and her son, and the photo of Doug today also. (Is Doug able to speak understandable English yet?)

    Thanks for these neat updates and posts.

    Ride safely and have a great time.

    (And, yes, you should still use the butt butter even for only 46 miles!)
