Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dewey Beach, DE to Pocomoke, MD - 64 miles

Today was the first day when I wore my rain jacket to keep warm, not to keep dry. Though another hard rain interrupted our on-the-beach dining experience last night, we had none today. We began with a 25-mile stretch of straight road, heading due south, with the ocean on our left and several bays on our right. This was the longest distance without a turn so far on the trip. After 16 miles we crossed into Maryland (above). Note my new Montana cycling shirt. It was a surprise gift my favorite daughter Kristina sent to me in Delaware. Nine miles after entering Maryland, we left the coast and headed in a southwesterly direction to Pocomoke. It was a beautiful, easy ride today with little elevation gain and only a couple of short spells with a headwind. Tomorrow, we head to Virginia Beach, Virginia.

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