Friday, October 14, 2011

Fernandia Beach, FL to St. Augustine, FL - 59 miles+++

Today we had the best weather, traffic, roads and scenery of the entire trip.  For the first 20 miles we rode in a bike lane along a quiet road next to the ocean on Amelia Island.  We were then scheduled to take a ferry to Jacksonville.  Fortunately for me, the ferry leaves every half hour and takes 10 minutes to make the crossing.  We arrived just as the ferry was pulling out (I am on the right above), so we sat at a picnic table and waited (above).  As the ferry was about to land at Jacksonville, I realized I left my camera back at the picnic table.  So I went back to get it while four of my buddies waited for me.  Fortunately, I didn't have to make the crossing alone.  A beautiful butterfly landed on my front wheel axle and stayed there while I crossed over and back (above).  After we left the ferry we had some busy roads through Jacksonville Beach for about 10 miles until we again hit a quiet road along the beach into St. Augustine, site of the fountain of youth.   We rode to the alleged site of the fountain of youth, but it is a pretty hooky tourist trap, so we didn't go in.  Jeanne arrives in a couple of hours so I may bag the scheduled dinner at Denny's tonight and find a nicer place to treat my bride after her long day on airplanes.

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