Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Jeanne and I arrived home last night after a 10-day vacation visiting sights, family and friends throughout the Southeast.  During my five-week absence, I transition from 45 years of post-college employment to retirement.  Part of our Southeast tour included a visit to Pensacola, Florida, where I started my first job after college as a Naval Aviator (above).

Summing up the Eastern Seaboard trip, it was just as much fun an last year's cross country trip, only shorter.  Last year we took seven weeks to cover 3,400 miles, spending time in 15 states.  This time it was 13 states over 24 days.  Comparing the two trips, on this one we experienced more variety in scenery and weather.  I think it only rained a couple of days for short periods on the cross country and this time it rained all day several times and part of the time on many other days.  But, as promised, the food on this trip was much better, especially on days when we could choose our own restaurants, because of our proximity to great seafood.  Further, the hotels were better this time, probably because there were more options.  As with the last trip, the quality of the people was the best part of the experience.  I thoroughly enjoyed more time with my nine friends from last year's ride and the opportunity to make new acquaintances.  

One other observation has to do with my bike.  Despite the difficult weather we encountered I had no trouble with my bike.  I attribute this to the knowledge I gained on my last trip about how to properly clean my bike and to the two maintenance courses I took over the winter which taught me how to make the minor adjustments I occasionally needed.  A little luck may have been involved as well.

Today is the first day since I entered kindergarden at the age of four when I have no future obligations.  Though it feels pretty good now, I'm sure I will need to come up with some ideas about how to spend my time.  I know those ideas will include future cycling adventures which will be highlighted on this same blog.  Thanks for your interest and I hope to peak your curiosity here again soon.  Bill Whitlow, October 26, 2011

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